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︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉︉music, gaming, reading, writing, roleplaying, horror, true crime, animation, cosplay, comforting aesthetics, food, naps, caring for animals and plants, ASMR, doing things my own way, being a cockroach in society's ass
✘ dislikes ✘
drama, bullshit, toxicity, people in general, abuse of any kind but especially towards kids and animals


"I'd rather be divisive than indecisive, drop the niceties."
- Lin Manuel Miranda
Just know that I am unashamedly and unabashedly myself.I am a brutally honest, no holds barred individual who values integrity, intelligence, resilience, passion, and loyalty.I am always striving for balance and self improvement, but that doesn't mean pretending to be something I'm not to impress others. If I'm demonstrating a particular negative behavior pattern, I will endeavor to correct it, but that is different from being asked to tone down my personality because they are NOT the same thing.For years, I tried being a people pleaser and it got me nowhere, which I suppose is in adherence with that old saying about how trying to please everyone results in pleasing no one, least of all yourself. So, instead, I've adopted a take me as I am or go to hell attitude. It helps me know when to not bother with someone, so it works just fine.That being said, if you are kind to me, I'll be kind to you. I can literally be your best friend and defender or someone you really won't like, and it all depends squarely on how you treat me.Life's too short, so either be real or step off.Ball's in your court.


- Xenophobes
- LGBTQIA+ phobes
- Racists
- Misogynists and misandrists
- Proselytizers
- Scientologists, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses or any other cults
- Nazis
- Communists
- Toxic alt lefts and alt rights
- Pro abortionists (NOT the same as pro choicers)
- Defamers
- Doxxers
- Ghosters
- Antis
- Armchair critics
- Fake wokes
- Purity culture pushers
- Morality police, including but not limited to: anyone who callously throws around the word pedophile in reaction to shit that it obviously doesn't apply to, such as things like adults consuming, shipping, roleplaying, writing/creating art for, or otherwise enjoying media traditionally aimed at youths, anyone who screams cultural appropriation when someone who is not of a culture emulates or profits off imitating said culture in a respectful manner, anyone who tries to police other's actions or harasses or ghosts them for it online or in real life, etc. Kindly fuck off.
- Overly conflict averse individuals (aka extremely triggered individuals): a certain amount of consideration is one thing, but you're not entitled to be 100% comfortable at any given time. No one should have to walk on eggshells around you 24/7, it's literally part of being in a society, so grow up.